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Cairns Heat Pumps - Installation & Repairs

Heat Pumps keep you cool while saving you energy and money.

Cairns Heat Pump Systems

Heat pump water heaters are thee times more efficient than conventional electric water heaters. This means when you switch to a heat pump, you’ll save money, save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions… It’s a win-win for everyone!

Suitable for moderate to hot climates, a heat pump is the perfect cooling solution for Cairns residents.

VOLTUS supplies, installs and repairs all types of heat pumps inclusing:

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Cairns Heat Pump Installation & Repairs - FAQs.

A heat pump water heater is a type of air-source heating system. It operates on electricity, but it’s three times more efficient than an electric standard in most cases – saving you money and reducing greenhouse gas emissions all the while!

There are many!

  • Saves money in the long term
  • Energy-efficient
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Fewer greenhouse gas emissions than a conventional water heating system
  • Effective in lower temperatures
  • No need for solar panels, inverters, and batteries
  • Easy to install and connect to your hot water plumbing

A heat pump works day and night as it extracts heat from the surrounding air and doesn’t rely on direct sunlight to operate.

A heat pump works on the same principle as a refrigerator, but instead of pumping out coolant to keep it at an appropriate temperature like fridges do – they take in warm air and transfer that into water. Electricity is used for this process; electricity turns chemical energy stored inside gas molecules (refrigerants) which then transfers their thermal properties through coils winding up outside your house where you want more warmth during winter months while converting them back again when summer comes round so we’re not left feeling cold any longer!

There are no regulations that require the energy efficiency of HPWHs sold in Australia and New Zealand to be tested to a common standard, to carry labels indicating their energy efficiency or other key aspects of performance (e.g. noise), or to meet any minimum prescribed levels of energy efficiency or performance. These issues are now under investigation.

For more information visit EnergyRating.gov.au.

Get started with your heat pump in three easy steps:


Tell us what you need

Get in touch and tell us about your application and any special requirements.


Site visit

One of our qualified technicians will conduct a site visit and ensure no detail is missed.


Get the job done

Sit back and relax while our experts deliver the ideal solution for your needs.

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