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Cairns Phone & Data Electrical Services

Need phone, internet or data cabling for the home or office?
VOLTUS has you covered.

Get connected and stay connected  securely with VOLTUS certified phone & data electricians.

VOLTUS phone and data electricians are experts in working with and installing networks for both residential and commercial customers. This includes repairing or installing telephone lines, Internet access points, intercom systems and tv antennas and points.

Our Cairns phone & data electricians are standing by for your call – contact us now!

Tailored phone and data services including:

ACRS Master Cabler Licence A051256.

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Need a custom solution?

Talk to us about your project. We’ll help you find the right solution for the job.

Telephone & Modem points

The internet has become an integral part of modern life, with all the information available at our fingertips. From being a great educational aid for school children to sourcing that particular item or service you require–it’s impossible not access this world wide web!

Here at Voltus some of the many services we provide is the installation of computer and internet connection points. Having the ADSL connection near the computer eliminates the need to have unsightly cables across the floor causing a trip hazard. We also provide computer protection products to protect your computer from power drop outs to voltage spikes.

Structured Network Cabling

VOLTUS supply and install computer cabling for all computer systems.

From a fully structured data cabling network in a large office or shop environment to a simple network connection between two computers, we’ve got our you covered.

Being electricians and security technicians we are also able to carry out electrical and security installations inside or outside of normal office hours – allowing for effective new projects or refurbishments.

Commercial Phone Systems

VOLTUS designs, supplies and installs telephone systems for commercial and residential applications.

Our technicians are able to install an integrated system as part of a structured cabling network or install as a standalone system – whether it’s a home office or commercial scale operation.

Intercom Systems

VOLTUS designs, supplies and installs Intercom Systems for both residential/domestic and commercial installations.

From single home installations to multi unit developments and shop or office use, VOLTUS intercom systems have many functions with the main four being:

  1. Door bell or chime
  2. Viewing a visitor prior to answering for your security
  3. Communication with a visitor or client
  4. Enabling visitor or client access to your property

Benefits of a VOLTUS intercom system

Intercom systems provide a communication link with other people within the same building or visitors from outside the building. Intercom systems also allow control of doors, gates, auto shutters, lights and any other switchable device.

Intercom systems VOLTUS can help you with include:

TV Antennas & Points

These days with the introduction of Digital Television Signals the old roof top antenna is not as simple as it used to be!

This job is best left the specialists. Our dedicated team of installers ensure clients have a quality picture on their TV sets. Our installers use the latest in digital test equipment to setup and fault find any installation.

We can supply and install anything from an additional TV point in the house to a complete MATV system throughout an entire complex.

Get started in three easy steps:


Tell us what you need

Get in touch and tell us about your application and any special requirements.


Site visit

One of our qualified technicians will conduct a site visit and ensure no detail is missed.


Get the job done

Sit back and relax while our experts deliver the ideal solution for your needs.

Telephone & Modem points

The internet has become an integral part of modern life, with all the information available at our fingertips. From being a great educational aid for school children to sourcing that particular item or service you require–it’s impossible not access this world wide web!

Here at Voltus some of the many services we provide is the installation of computer and internet connection points. Having the ADSL connection near the computer eliminates the need to have unsightly cables across the floor causing a trip hazard. We also provide computer protection products to protect your computer from power drop outs to voltage spikes.

Structured Network Cabling

VOLTUS supply and install computer cabling for all computer systems.

From a fully structured data cabling network in a large office or shop environment to a simple network connection between two computers, we’ve got our you covered.

Being electricians and security technicians we are also able to carry out electrical and security installations inside or outside of normal office hours – allowing for effective new projects or refurbishments.

Commercial Phone Systems

VOLTUS designs, supplies and installs telephone systems for commercial and residential applications.

Our technicians are able to install an integrated system as part of a structured cabling network or install as a standalone system – whether it’s a home office or commercial scale operation.

Intercom Systems

VOLTUS designs, supplies and installs Intercom Systems for both residential/domestic and commercial installations.

From single home installations to multi unit developments and shop or office use, VOLTUS intercom systems have many functions with the main four being:

  1. Door bell or chime
  2. Viewing a visitor prior to answering for your security
  3. Communication with a visitor or client
  4. Enabling visitor or client access to your property

Benefits of a VOLTUS intercom system

Intercom systems provide a communication link with other people within the same building or visitors from outside the building. Intercom systems also allow control of doors, gates, auto shutters, lights and any other switchable device.

Intercom systems VOLTUS can help you with include:

TV Antennas & Points

These days with the introduction of Digital Television Signals the old roof top antenna is not as simple as it used to be!

This job is best left the specialists. Our dedicated team of installers ensure clients have a quality picture on their TV sets. Our installers use the latest in digital test equipment to setup and fault find any installation.

We can supply and install anything from an additional TV point in the house to a complete MATV system throughout an entire complex.

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